CHD Awareness

Many heart parents are quite new to the CHD world but we would just like to let you know how far CHD awareness has actually come.

In 1999, Jeanne Imperati spearheaded the first ever effort for a CHD awareness day. It was February 14th and there were moms from everywhere going to their governors to get their states to proclaim that day as CHD Awareness Day in their state. It was truly a United Effort.

Today, February 7th thru February 14th is the official Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week!  This level of awareness, this week of dedication, would not exist if it weren’t for their efforts.  Remember, if you are doing anything special in honor of this historic event, please share your pictures and ideas.  We invite you to share with us by email, with, or via facebook at Kids With Heart Facebook.

Please spread the word so that no family ever has to feel alone again.
Thank you so much for continuing to grow awareness.